UI Design • Game Illustration • Branding
Enabling a new generation of micro philanthropists -
The concept behind GiveChat was simple - users pay money for lives, scoring points earns chances in a raffle to win a prize with a weekly celebrity, and the money all goes to that celebrity's charity of choice.
Design considerations were much more complex. All assets in each iteration of the game had to be able to programmatically build on themselves to create an "endless runner" experience. The sweet spot of frustration and pride had to be met for length of gameplay. The format of the game had to be familiar enough for quick learning and the storyline exciting but universal.
We created a system where assets could be easily swapped out to match special themes, such as Game of Thrones or the Superbowl. Color is overlaid programmatically so assets can enlarge, shrink and swap places without ever looking random. The game changed dramatically from conception to completion, but the end product was a perfect hybrid of engaging for users and easy to continue to grow with more levels, themes, characters and gameplay complexity.
Created at Chaotic Moon Studios
Art Direction • Isaiah Same | UX Design • Sara Wells
UI Design / Illustration • Christine Soules | Illustration • Alan Definbaugh
UI Design for game controls
Programatic Color OVrlay
Grayscale environment Art